Privacy Policy

Pursuant to the European Directive 95/46/CE and the Italian D. Lgs. N 196/2003 (hereinafter “PDPA”), the Data Controller is the company Garage Sale (“The Company”), with registered offices in Via della Costituzione, 20 - 50060 Londa (FI) - (Italy), editor of the APP “Garage Sale” (“APP”). The Company wishes to provide you with some information on the use of this APP, and in particular on the processing of your personal data. The following personal data are processed to allow you to use the APP: Name, Surname, Pen Name, Address, E-mail address, items uploaded, transactions, shipping information. Providing us with such data is necessary and your refusal to provide us with the above data would prevent you from using the APP.

Besides, with your permission, other data of yours can be processed for “marketing purposes” i.e. to provide you with dedicated services and offers in line with your user profile and/or to allow the Company to constantly improve your navigation and user experience and/or to share data with our partner companies for the same purposes as stated above. Such data include: Phone Number, Mobile Phone Number, Gender, Device used (software version, service provider of the data network, wi-fi network, operating system), statistics and metrics related to the use of the Garage Sale App with a specific device, physical location of the device during the use of the app Garage Sale, accounts created, multimedia contents uploaded and downloaded, data specified above of your contacts. Providing your personal data for marketing purposes, as specified above, is optional: your refusal to provide such data will not have any actual implication.

Your data will be accessible to the Data Controller and the Company's personnel in charge of the processing. Said data may also be communicated to suppliers and to any sub-suppliers - where engaged in performing the activities connected to the obligations indicated in the aforementioned purposes - to professionals and companies that carry out activities that are functional to the operating, administrative, tax and accounting requirements of the Company. Should your personal data be disclosed to third-parties, the Company will adopt fair and appropriate guarantees to ensure that the same safeguards granted by the Company will be used for the processing of your data. In such an event, the third parties shall process your data exclusively for the purposes listed above and will be bound to the necessary confidentiality to protect your data.

Your data will be processed in electronic form. Data are entered into the Company information system in compliance with the Italian PDPA and the applicable provisions for the protection of personal data and according to profiles of data security and confidentiality, in line with the principles of fair and legal data processing.

Pursuant to Section 11 of the Italian PDPA, data are retained for the time strictly necessary to achieve the specific purposes for which they were collected.

Whenever the APP’s functions require the user to enter any personal or sensitive data (including videos and pictures), the Company informs that all personal data intentionally entered through the APP are processed by the Company, and will be accessible exclusively by the user. When the APP enables users to share their personal data with third parties, and users choose to do so ‐i.e. by publishing them on their social network’s profile, by sending them via email or phone messages to other people etc.‐, the use of the mentioned data shall be subject to the relevant privacy conditions that the Company recommends to check before carrying out any such operation. Except as per the above specifications, the user’s personal data are not communicated to third parties, be they physical or legal persons, and are not disseminated in any way.

We specify that the data originally gathered in anonymous form, or later anonymized, as well as aggregate anonymous data, are NOT considered personal data for the purposes of the applicable data protection legal provisions and/or the present Privacy Information notice. Specifically, the expression “aggregate anonymous data” refers to those information about users that are collected and grouped in a way that renders it impossible to identify them individually. Such anonymous data, e.g. those pertaining to the correct use and maintenance of the APP, the frequency of the APP’s use, updates, system crash reports etc., may automatically be collected by the Company through the APP for maintenance and analysis purposes.

You may at any times exercise the rights established by Section 7 of the Italian PDPA, including your right to receive confirmation of the existence of your personal data within the Company, your right to check the content, the source and the accuracy of your data, and/or to request that your data are updated, erased and/or de-identified, if unlawfully processed, as well as your right to stop our processing of your data for any legitimate reasons. Please be also informed that, pursuant to the Italian PDPA, you are entitled at any times to stop the processing of your data for marketing purposes.

At any times you may apply the Data Processor at the above address to receive information on the processing of your personal data by the Company, to exercise the rights established by the Italian PDPA, as well as to receive the updated list of subjects to whom data are accessible.

Having read and fully understood the information notice on the processing of my personal data by the Company, particularly concerning the purpose and scope of sharing of my personal data

I agree (consent is mandatory)
I do not agree
to the processing of my personal data to use the APP Garage Sale Besides
I agree
I do not agree
to the processing of my personal data for improving my experience and personalizing the marketing offer